Our Father in Heaven (Sonnet 6)

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The Gauge of Submission

"On earth, as it is in Heaven."

O THOU, Who art all love, when love of Thee,
Like that which in the hearts of angels glows,
Shall in our bosoms burn, our love's outflows
Shall full and fervent as Thine angels' be!
Angels and saints then linked in fealty
To Thy great will, this new earth shall disclose
A life of love without its wounds and woes,
One will, one life, one love, eternally.

Ah! here we pray, with bated, trembling breath,
"Thy will on earth be done, as done in Heaven,"
And, praying thus, our deep defaults confess,
And wait for the full enfranchisement of death,
Our selfish wills to purge of sin's last leaven,
And clothe us in Christ's robe of righteousness.